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Did I buy some Good Hair or nahhh?

In the first 2 weeks you"ll know.

Whether you purchased virgin remy, remy, processed, or raw, hair extensions can sometimes be a gamble.

You know what they say, if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

If you pay $30 per bundle for "raw" hair....well it probably aint! Buying quality hair extensions is only 60% of the process to beautiful hair. The lifespan of your bundles also depends on how well you (or your stylist) maintain them.

Here are 8 key tips to make that weave last!

1. Don't spend $300+ on hair and then get a $25 install! (do I really need to explain that one?)

A properly installed weave gives you a great starting point

2. Go easy on the heat styling tools and always use a heat protectant spray

(keep that temp under 400 degrees)

3. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf or bonnet before bed

4. When washing remember the 3-2-1 Rule:

Co-Wash every 1 week. Deep-condition every 2, Shampoo every 3

5. Never go to bed with a wet weave. It can cause matting and a musty smell!

7. Have a pro color your extensions. If you've never done an ombre, this is not the time to expermiment!

8. Have your weave installed as a wig unit. This provides less wear on your extensions, and

allows you to remove them at your convenience.

Have you had any bad experiences with hair extensions? Feel free to share them below. You might just be helping someone else.

1 Comment

Great Info!

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