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How to protect your leave out.

You've been wearing a u-part wig or sew in for the past few months and now your worst fear has been realized...your leave out is damaged!

So how do you proceed to deal with it? How should you treat (or prevent) damage all together?

Leave out is key to a natural looking installation. But when your leaveout starts to get damaged there are a few things you can do to help it and make sure your hair stays on point.


Heat damage may be obvious to some, but others may have a hard time knowing the signs. Here are some...

  • A protective style is great for growth. But if you have hair to the middle of your back but your leave out is shorter than your pinky, then you've got heat damage.

  • If your eave out looks like a very small section of strands that have been relaxed


  1. Cut down on shower time to avoid the extra moisture. Believe it or not, those loooonng hot showers can actually cause your leaveout to become more frizzy meaning more times you will need to flat iron it.

  2. Wear a closure

  3. Minimize the amount of hair that is left out of your installation. Choose to leave less hair out, or always switch-up where your hair is left out during each installation.

  4. Use a good deep conditioner.  If you straighten your hair A LOT in the same spot, a regular deep conditioning could actually help your hair stay strong through the excess heat. 

  5. DON'T STRAIGHTEN EVERYDAY! It doesn't matter how much you protect your hair, if you are applying heat EVERYDAY, you will get damage.

  6. Wear a closure. Closures not only give your leavout a break, but just makes styling much easier. You wont have to bother blending or battling the wind, or humidity that the whether can bring.

  7. Match your texture. If wearing hair extensions is a must and you're not ready for a closure just yet, find hair that closely matches your texture. This will cut down on the amount of straightening you have to do to blend. Try giving silky hair a break and go with something more kinky, curly, or wavy. PRO TIP: If you go for a curly look you could bantu knot, or twist up your leave out at night and then in the morning when you take it out, it'll blend in perfectly!

  8. Use quality products! The more vitamins and minerals your hair gets, the happier it will be.  Don't always reach for "bargain" products when it comes to your hair, remember you get what you pay for.

Here are some helpful youtube vids for maintaining your leavout without heat.


If unsure about what product may be right for your hair, we've created an all natural hair oil packed with vitamin rich ingredients that nourish & protect your hair.

Nourish & Shine is a weightless oil that helps your hair 3 ways:

  1. Protects from heat

  2. Strengthens your hair with vitamins for less split ends, fewer dry ends, and improves the health of your hair.

  3. Adds a natural, healthy, shine without being greasy.

This oil is lightweight so a few drops are perfect for everyday use.

Great for protecting your leaveout and keeping your hair tamed.



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